If you’re a college or university student living away from home, you may be considering buying a home instead of renting. There are many benefits to owning a home, but also many things to consider before you take that leap. 

A home is a big investment, so you want to make sure you do your research before committing to a mortgage and everything else home ownership entails. These are a few things to consider if you’re thinking about buying a home while attending a post-secondary institution.

The Pros of Home Ownership for Students

  • You'll have a stable place to live throughout your studies. One of the hardest things about moving away from home is finding a suitable place to live. Many colleges have waitlists for student housing. In addition,…

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Downtown Invermere on Seventh Avenue with Shops

The Columbia River Valley in the Canadian Rockies is home to many popular destination towns offering great year-round activities from skiing to hiking, enjoying the lakes and rivers, and the interesting attractions of the towns themselves.

At the head of Windermere Lake, between Radium Hot Springs and Fairmont Hot Springs, is the community of Invermere (sometimes known as Invermere on the Lake). This is one of those popular towns, tucked between the Rocky and Purcell Mountains and surrounded by soaring peaks, wetlands, lush forests, and glittering waters.

Invermere is a great place to ski, golf, see North America’s longest continuous wetland, or visit a host of unique businesses, like the nationally recognized Kicking Horse Coffee.

Things to…

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